Our Business Model

At Capstone we are focused on:

  • Service
  • Transparency
  • Coordination
We believe people will follow a plan that is designed to help them accomplish their goals, dreams, and aspirations provided the plan is based upon the unique facts of their situation and is presented to them in a way that they understand. 
Our mission is to work with our clients to develop such a plan that will help them accomplish their goals.
- We are independent. Unlike many financial services firms, we are not owned nor are we operated by a large insurance or investment company. Our advisors recommend products and services based upon what best serves the clients needs.
- We are full service. We can help clients with a wide array of products and services. Debt management, Risk Management, Emergency Reserves, Medium Term Accumulation, Retirement Planning, as well Tax Preperation and Planning, are but a few of the different areas of expertise that we bring to the table.
- We are education based. We work with our clients to put together a plan, we do not dictate what they need to do. We believe that in order for the plan to work the client needs to understand what they are doing, why they are doing it, and who they are doing it with. This level of comfort can only be achieved through education and review.